Click here to Download an application in Adobe format to be submitted to the foundation.
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We are pleased you have chosen to apply for a grant from our community foundation. The following pages will guide you through the process and assist you in completing this application. You are strongly urged to contact us before submitting your application. This will allow ARCF staff to work with you for the purpose of submitting the most competitive application possible. If you have any questions, please contact the ARCF office at 387-3900.
The ALGER REGIONAL COMMUNITY FOUNDATION provides support to enhance the quality of life in Alger County through the building and growth of "permanent endowment funds" from a wide range of donors.
We will focus our grantmaking to address community needs and enhance opportunities in the areas of charity, education, culture, environment, recreation, youth, and social welfare.
We will provide for the future of ARCF by passing our knowledge and skills on to the next generation by building leadership in our Youth Advisory Committee.
All grant proposals in the context of this commitment will be considered.
· The Alger Regional Community Foundation
has a commitment to the people of Alger County.
· Grants are made only to non-profit organizations, exempt from federal
· Grants are not made to individuals except in the form of scholarships.
· Grants are generally given one-time only for specific purposes.
· Grants are made with the understanding that the foundation has no obligation
or commitment to provide any additional support to the grantee.
· Requests for support of projects presented by religious organizations
will be considered if a general need is being met and the project does not promote
the teachings of a particular church denomination.
· Amount of funds requested in a proposal may be reduced by the recommendation
of the Grant Committee.
· No grants may be used for any political campaign or to support attempts
to influence the legislature or any governmental body other than through making
available the results of nonpartisan analysis, study and research.
· ARCF operates without discrimination as to age, race, religion, sex
or national origin in the consideration of grant requests and will award grants
only to grantseekers who likewise do not discriminate.
In reviewing grant applications, the ARCF will follow its missions to meet
the needs of Alger County. Careful consideration will be given to:
· The potential impact of the request and the number of people who will
· Projects or activities that are preventive rather than remedial
· An imaginative and experimental approach.
· The extent of local volunteer involvement and support for the project.
· The commitment and composition of the requesting organization's directors
and trustees.
· The degree to which the applicant works with or complements the services
of other community organizations in an attempt to eliminate duplication of services.
· The organization's fiscal responsibility and management qualifications.
· The possibility of using the grant as seed money for matching funds
from other sources.
· The ability of the organization to obtain the necessary additional
funding to implement the project.
· The ability of the organization to provide ongoing funding after the
term of the grant has expired.
· The fulfillment of widely perceived community needs.
The Foundation will not typically make grants for the following unless designated
by a donor:
· Capital campaigns
· Existing obligations, debts, or liabilities
· Endowments
· Individuals
· Fundraising events
ARCF will accept grant proposals twice a year. Applications are due on April 1 or October 1 according to a published list of funds awarding grants.
Applications are screened by staff for completeness and compliance with Foundation requirements. Additional information may be requested or a site visit may be done at this time. Proposals are then reviewed by the Youth Advisory Committee and/or the Grant Review Committee and recommendations are made to the ARCF Board of Directors for approval.
All applicants will receive a letter of notification following the Board meeting. Grants proposals approved by the Board will receive a Grant Agreement with instructions for completing the process. Grant checks will be issued upon request by the applicant when the agreement has been signed, returned and any special conditions listed on the agreement have been met.
Name of Organization/Group____________________________________________________________________
Total Project Budget Amount______________________ Grant Amount Requested______________________
Requested from Which Fund(s)__________________________________________________________________
Name & Title of Grant Applicant Representative____________________________________________________
What will the money be used for? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
What is the general purpose of your organization/group?______________________________________________
When was your organization/group established?_____________________________________________________
Has the governing board approved a policy which states that the organization does not discriminate as to age, race, religion, sex or national origin? ________________ If no, please explain.________________________________
Please submit copies of the following with this application:
1. Complete list of the organization's officers and directors.
2. Copies of the IRS federal tax exemption determination letters, if applicable.
3. A letter of request must be written by the organization's chief executive
officer or chair/president of the governing board.
The form your application takes is far less important than its content, but should be no longer that five (5) typewritten pages. In writing your proposal, please address the following:
1. GOAL OF THE PROJECT: What is your goal for this project? Why is it needed? What specific target population will be the focus for your project? How does this project fit into the purpose of your organization?
2. OBJECTIVES AND PROJECT NARRATIVE: Specifically, what will you do? How will you do it?
3. TIMETABLE: Please provide a schedule of events, or timetable, for your project.
4. EVALUATION: How will you determine whether your project is successful? How will you measure the results? If this is an ongoing program, what are the plans for future funding?
5. PROJECT BUDGET: Please itemize all project costs (materials, equipment, services, supplies, etc.) and all other sources of funding. Include information on any pending grant or funding requests. To whom have you applied? What is the current status of your request? When do you expect to hear about the outcome?
Funds Requested Other Sources
from ARCF of Funding Total Budget____
Promotion __________________ ________________ _______________
Supplies __________________ ________________ _______________
Program Activities __________________ ________________ _______________
Equipment __________________ ________________ _______________
Travel __________________ ________________ _______________
_______________ __________________ ________________ _______________
_______________ __________________ ________________ _______________
_______________ __________________ ________________ _______________
TOTALS __________________ ________________ _______________
Submitted by:
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Name Title
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature Date
P. O. BOX 39
Revised 11/1/2000
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